An Analysis of Strange Timezones

Timezones are strange things. Be it Chatham Island's 45-minute offset or West Bank's ethnically divided use of daylight saving, it almost seems like the timezones of the world were chosen to baffle. In this post we ask which capital city has a timezone that differs the most from what would be expected given its longtitude. Any guesses?

Letter Distributions in the English Language and Their Relations

If you've ever tried to solve a simple cryptography problem, then you may have developed an intuitive sense of where you're most likely to find a letter in a word. For example, 'Q's are rarely at the ends of words whereas 'D's are much more likely to be found there. This post explores this idea and concludes by clustering the letters of the Latin alphabet based on their distributions throughout English words.

Creating a Dynamic 8-Bit Wallpaper for Linux with Python

Your desktop wallpaper may be the one image that you see most often in a given day so its probably worth your time to make it look the best it can. In this post, I offer a template for a dynmically-changing 8-Bit wallpaper which automatically syncs itself to sunrise and sunset times, produced using Python and compatible with Linux.
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